Wanted: 1.4 million new supply chain workers by 2018


The logistics industry is huge, making up 8.5% of GDP, and their demand for talent is growing fast. How can an industry that is so huge be overlooked? The U.S. logistics business, which employs around 6 million people, works behind the scenes, so most consumers don’t even know they’ve used their services. College graduates also tend to have a skewed perception that working in “supply-chain” is physical work.

However, they are looking for new talent in high tech, analytics, robotics, and engineering. And they need it badly. It is projected that they will need to fill 1.4 million jobs by 2018. This industry has been facing this problem for years, leaving companies in fierce competition for talent. Younger generations need to be educated about the true nature of this industry in order to drop the misconceptions.


Read more at Fortune.com…


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