5 Reasons It’s More Than Just a Thank-You Email

By Ashley Phillips, Director of Executive Recruitment, Ashton Tweed
That’s right, not a text, but a thank you email! Whether it’s after an interview, a networking event, or a business lunch, it all matters! Most of us have been encouraged to send thank-you emails promptly after professional interactions and have made it a habit to do so. However, it’s important to give this task your careful attention rather than just going through the motions. Below are 5 reasons why it’s more than just a nicety:
1. R-E-S-P-E-C-T
Sending a thank-you is not only polite it’s respectful. It doesn’t matter what title the person you met with has, showing respect is a top priority in the business world, especially when borrowing someone else’s time. Besides, you don’t want to stick out as the person who didn’t send a respectful thank-you message, right?
2. It’s an Opportunity
It’s not just an opportunity to express gratitude; it’s an opportunity to…
- Reconnect
- Keep your name top-of-mind
- Reinforce your strengths if you’re in the running for a position
- Get the receiver(s) talking about you in a positive light
- Clarify remaining questions or elaborate on anything you missed
- Perform some damage control if something came up that worried you
3. Human Factor
A thank-you email provides a chance to be a little personal, casual, and get on a friendly basis with a professional acquaintance. Don’t forget, people want to work and network with people they like! So take your time and be thoughtful. Don’t just write something up real quick or send a generic thank-you out to everyone. This almost defeats the purpose, resulting in a more negative reaction than a positive one. Trust me, readers can tell if you put your time into it – can’t you?
4. Positive Vibes
It’s a small kindness that not only makes the recipient feel good, but also the sender. Expressing gratitude is proven to have positive effects on the mind. According to a study published in NeuroImage, “results suggest that even months after a simple, short gratitude writing task, people’s brains are still wired to feel extra thankful.” The psychological benefits listed included a feeling of wellbeing and reduced depression (Forbes).
5. Good Networking
If the previous reasons aren’t enough to convince you of a thank-you note’s value, remember that it’s plain ol’ good networking. Instead of burning bridges, build your network and career with constructive exchanges that last long-term! Who knows how these contacts will help in the future? It will be a lot easier to reach out to your connections down the road if they remember you warmly.
Thank-you emails go a long way; so don’t skimp on the focus you give them. And, although you might be feeling old school, mail by post is often too slow for this time-sensitive task. If you truly think it’s appropriate for the situation or you are able to drop your note off, then go for it! Hand-written notes are endearing, personal and, nowadays, unique! Whatever you do, please, please, please don’t forget to proofread 🙂
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