Benefits and Drawbacks of Remote Employees

employees connect remotely via technology concept

employees connect remotely via technology conceptLea WolfingerBy Lea Wolfinger, Senior Director, Ashton Tweed

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The remote workforce is growing due to technological advances. With a little extra focus on communication, productivity tracking, and employee trust, remote employees can be great assets to your company. To hire remotely or not is often a choice employers face when choosing from top candidates in their industry.


However, along with some advantages, there are also some disadvantages to consider before joining the remote workforce. Below is a list of benefits and drawbacks to consider before hiring a remote employee or going remote yourself.



  • Saves the time and cost it takes to commute. This leads to fuller workdays.


  • Gives your company access to more talent – no need to relocate employees.


  • Lowers overhead payment by eliminating office space rent and other expenses.


  • Employees have less distractions and social time at home. In addition, they can prepare their workspace to make it suitable for their personal productivity.


  • Flexible schedule. Not everyone is productive during the same time of the day. This allows people to break away from the traditional 9-5 and work hours that they prefer.


  • Makes your face time more meaningful. Limiting in-person contact pushes employees to make the most of their time on conference calls and in meetings.


  • Less sick days and off days. Errands like doctor appointments and oil changes typically require half days. However, remote employees can simply return to work when they get home.




  • Not all new employees adjust well to remote work. It is harder to mentor and train newcomers.


  • Company culture may weaken with remote employees because personal relationships and contact between staff members is limited.


  • Communication can be strained, especially because emails may lead to miscommunications.


  • Technological issues are more detrimental and can isolate remote employees.


  • Workers’ comp and other liability issues can be associated with remote work. Remote work can also be a way to avoid third-party childcare, causing less productivity.


  • Lack of interactive feedback may lead to less creative ideas and brainstorming.


  • People with a tendency to overwork may struggle with work/life balance if working at home.


Some people thrive remotely while others do not. Sometimes, it simply comes down to personal preference. Therefore, being aware of one’s work style is key. Additionally, while new technology makes work easier and more flexible, a remote workforce is a good strategy for some companies and not for others. Consider the advantages and disadvantages above to help make the decision that’s right for you.


Looking for the best talent, no matter the location? Contact Ashton Tweed to discuss your options.

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