Why Self-Confidence Works for You

By Jordan Warshafsky, Partner, Ashton Tweed
Applying and interviewing for a job is stressful. Even if you are fortunate to have the “inside track” and have been assured the job, there is still that nagging thought in the back of your head that you are not in complete control of the situation and the company may choose someone else at the last moment. The best advice for dealing with this kind of stress is to go to your fallback position and rely on the best person you know to land this job – which is YOU.
People often feel less confident about new or potentially difficult situations. Perhaps the most important factor in developing confidence is planning and preparing for the unknown. As you apply for that new job, you would be wise to thoroughly prepare for the interview even if you have that “inside track” as noted above. Plan what you want to say in the interview and think about some of the questions that you may be asked and want to ask. Write your questions and comments in a list and bring that list with you. The last thing you want is to forget to ask or comment about a particularly important point. Then practice your answers with friends or colleagues and gain their feedback. This will help build your confidence level many fold.
People like confidence and they like it because your confidence makes them feel confident in you. They are pleased that a winner such as you wants to be on their team. Clearly, when interviewing, it helps to confirm you are a team player, you are polite, you present yourself as “the solution” and that you will get the job done. All of that matters. But what matters the most is that you believe in yourself and that you are the right person for the job.
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