Top 12 Interview Questions: Are You Prepared?

"Interview In Progress" sign on an office door.

"Interview In Progress" sign on an office door.Jordan WarshafskyBy Jordan Warshafsky, Partner, Ashton Tweed


We’ve compiled a list of 12 of the most frequently asked job interview questions. So get a step ahead of the competition and nail your next interview by being prepared:


1. Why don’t you tell me about yourself?

2. What’s your greatest weakness/strength?

3. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

4. Who has impacted you most in your career and why?

5. What five character traits would your colleagues use to describe you?

6. Why do you want to work for this company?

7. What did you like least/most about your last job?

8. What do you know about this company?

9. What is your greatest achievement inside/outside of work?

10. If selected for this position, what will your strategy be for the next 6 months?

11. What’s your dream job?

12. Why should we choose you for this position?


Answer these questions effectively with these tips:


Tip #1: Develop personal branding statements that highlight your education, work history, and major accomplishments.

Tip #2: Be ready with tangible examples of career achievements that demonstrate your skills.


By doing your homework and being prepared to answer questions about yourself and your accomplishments, you’ll be one step closer to landing that next great career opportunity. Looking for new career opportunities? Check out our featured positions or submit your résumé today.

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